Whatsapp Teams – Concept
These are times that we collaborate more than ever and products need to go along with users needs. So I did a super-quick concept of how Whatsapp for Teams could look like.
When I say “super quick concept”, I mean it. I opened a new board in my Trello for this project that in its origins I named “Collab by Whatsapp” 🙂 and started to brainstorm with myself, writing down every feature I would like to have in this new tool for teams. Then I dedicated a couple of hours to perform a competitive analysis and to do a research looking for references. At the end of the day I had a solid idea in my mind of what I wanted to create and how I wanted it. So it took me about 8-10 hours to create a grid for desktop and mobile, create a color palette, find relevant icons from Noun Project, test some typography and place everything to look as I wanted.